close to you – Mr. Clean AG Cleaning Company

Direct contact via our main number

If you are not yet a customer of us and do not have a direct telephone number or contact person. You are welcome to contact our cleaning company in your area via our main number for all matters. You can also email us via the contact form or send a normal mail via info @ directly. We process your request or requests as soon as possible. We would like to thank you for contacting us right now. Your cleaning company nearby.

Ihre Mitteilung / Nachricht

4 + 5 =

Stadt Zürich und Umgebung

Mr. Clean AG Zurich

2 Street 45
8004 Zurich
+ 41 44 241 40 40

For office cleaning, home maintenance and
Apartment cleaning and much more

Raum Basel / Aargau

Mr. Clean AG Basel
Inner Margarethen Street 5
4051 Basel, Switzerland
+ 41 44 241 40 40

Luzern und Zentralschweiz

Mr. Clean AG Lucerne
Hertensteinstrasse 51
6004 Lucerne/Luzern
+ 41 44 241 40 40

Stadt Winterthur

Mr. Clean AG Winterthur
Station # 17
8400 Winterthur
+ 41 44 241 40 40

Zug / Cham

Mr. Clean AG Zug
Baarerstrasse 135
6300 Zug
+ 41 44 241 40 40

How much does it cost to clean your business with us?

Just let a counter offer or generally new calculate. If you already have a cleaning company and have the same power
, you can send us your current list of services with the space plans and you will receive a
Cross-comparison. The list of services and the room-types which should contain the M2 of the different rooms is sufficient.
If there are no plans, a Raumaufstelltung with the respective M2.

What is needed for a simple quote:

  • List of specifications or specifications includes when and which cleaning operations are carried out
    Mostly weekly schedule
  • Room directory with installation of room usage type in M2 reception, meeting room, office…
  • or space in which to take this
  • Whether annual cleaning as well as window cleaning have to be taken into account

This is enough to create a very accurate offer.

We are vertretten all over Switzerland. Our headquarters are in Zurich. Mr. Clean is divided by region. With the four branches in addition to the main business in Zurich,
Our customers everywhere quickly and flexibly in use. Thanks to the central which handles virtually everything administrative, the Überrigen branches are all our
Customer Support. Thus, the time can be fully used for care and quality assurance.
As a customer or prospect we are always available for you via our Hauptsgeschäft or telephone number. We treat your concerns so efficiently.
Inquiries for offers or general concerns are always carried out via Zurich. Your account Manager works in your area and is always fast with you,
But the office remains in Zurich. So you have to use Maxi mallets and become Optimbal assistants.